Display advertising must accomplish a lot in a very short amount of time. Whether your display advertising is seen on a website or a mobile digital billboard, it needs to move a potential customer to react to your call to action. Generating interest in your company is good, but it is not good enough. Effective display advertising creates customers.
Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind as you create display advertising for your company:
- Always keep your target audience in mind. You must decide how specifically you want to target customers. The more specific you are, the more expensive display advertising generally becomes, but it also becomes more effective.
- Display advertising needs to be clean and compelling. Only the most essential information should be included in a bold but easy to read font and color. The image or graphic included should obviously relate to the business of your company.
- A clickable button included with your call to action makes it more likely that customers will act in the moment they see it.
- Your website’s landing page should look and feel like an extension of all your display advertising. Having a cohesive look and feel increases a customer’s feeling of security in your company.
- Make sure you have a way to track your display advertising and its effectiveness. How often do leads become customers? Tracking your advertising success will help you adjust and narrow your focus as time goes on.
One of the best things about digital display advertising is the ease of adjusting it when needed. Here at Premier Digital Displays, we do not charge for updated messages and advertisements. Contact us today to find out more!